Tuesday, February 1, 2011

DIY boxes+others

Recently I was interested with DIY boxes =.=
Keep on searching the cotton clothes to design the boxes then cover up all of my messy stuff
Although the imported clothes are damn nice, but the cost is slightly expensive.
Wondering again
Would I really decorate my room?
I will get the permission from my mum 1st (before I really start my decoration)
I really hope my room will become prettier/ nicer/ cuter and of course more comfortable :]
The DIY decoration roughly looked like this:
 大首飾箱   http://mao4.com/?p=1353

自制玻璃瓶罐简易相框 http://www.diypick.com/?p=2661

DIY壁花 http://www.diypick.com/?p=266


可爱首饰盒-用冰棒棍制作盒子DIY http://www.saybb.net/125-diy_other/view-20884.html

http://www.diypick.com/?p=4358 some DIY decorations
http://www.diypick.com/?p=3816   餐垫 

不雕刻的小花图章  http://www.diypick.com/?p=2798



DIY 旧玻璃瓶变身收纳瓶

DIY 酒杯风铃  http://www.letusdiy.com/html/diy/diy_jiaju/20101202/1648.html

奶粉罐围巾做成抽纸筒 http://www.letusdiy.com/html/diy/diy_jiaju/20091020/1517.html

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