Saturday, April 23, 2011

Melbourne, Australia Trip #day 2#

Late for the posting
Recently busy with my internship working
Actually this post I had written last Saturday
but I need a rest
Wait until today just post it :)
Treat it as past tense

wanna talk about other stuff 1st
before i really start up today's topic

so sad that, justin bieber is coming to malaysia, and i not able to watch his concert
I wish to win the ticket
but DAMN!
i forgot the due date of the contest already
it's ok. since i got no fate with my jb :(

talk about my internship
i had working for 2 weeks
everyday 12 hours
last weekend 10 hours
today i took permission from my supervisor - william
to rest at home
which i was suffering from menstrual pain
but sad that, my colleagues all went for sing k session
i wish to sing k for so long :(
tomorrow gonna work for weekend again
monday is our due date
gambatte for all

back to the topic
our Day 2 plan was:

Day 2:
Phillips island - Maru Koala and Animal Park
Phillips island – Chocolate factory
Phillips island – A maze' N Things
Phillips island – Penguin Parade
Phillips island - Fragile cliffs
Phillips island – The Nobbies Centre

we saw a restaurant called "Sambal Malaysia"  near our hotel only

today our morning plan was find the car rental service. Early morning, my face and eyes were swollen. Passed by Audi Centre Melbourne
The sky was blue. I love the sky there
Their gas tong. LOL. So cute
Walked on the road
Ermm .. Their traffic light for walker?
Nice statue

Really love the blue sky
We were finding this car rental :)
The post box
We finally found the car rental centre - budget
The cheapest offer from them was AUD68.88
with GPS
we need GPS of course
we will lost our way, if without the GPS
we planned to take Mitsubishi Lancer
But I think the car was rent out already
at 1st, my mum went out from hotel, she never brought her wallet =.=
she's kinda brave
I even passport also brought along
how come she can put her wallet in the hotel?
we were only the tourists
not the citizen
we should bring along the passport and of course Malaysian's Identity Card
she even credit card also dare to leave at there
Finally the car rental centre need us to give them the credit card to hold our details
maybe this is a must progress to prevent their car lost
my mum need to show them her license
so, my sister forced to accompany her to walk back to hotel
to take her wallet again =.=
the counter girl was kinda rude
i don't like her attitude
after that, a Singaporean guy served us
He's better
and faster service
It's because the girl said my credit card cannot use =.=
previous day i just paid the hotel room fee by my credit card =.=
my mum wanted me to drive
but their law need a driver which is 25 years old and above
so i became the passenger

This was our rental car, toyota corolla

my sister need to sit beside to give the right direction. she need to see the map.
my mum was the driver :)
we reached at service centre, which including the petrol station and the rest spots with mcd, kfc ..

I love their scenery. With the relax feel

Nice view, beautiful blue sky. I love their house without gates.
the tour van? don't know how to call this type of vehicle? not available in malaysia :)
a fake kangaroo .. the entrance
Maru, the koala and animal park. (nice suggestion from my sister)

their food and drinks. =.= kinda expensive, to convert to RM :P
we paid $15 (Adult fee) + $10 (Koala close encounters). Not really expensive. It's because it worths the price! But don't know why here stated the mini golf price, but we can walk in and captured pictures. I think the price is including the "mini golf game"?
mini golf pirates stuff
we bought the $1 grains to feed the parrots
a strong male goat
The dingos. They're cute :)
See! They're kinda cute. Cuter than my house dog, "Little white"

the ostrich
We just know that, actually the kangaroos don't jump at all =.=
I think the cartoons we watched had lie us
Or we earlier misunderstood it already
When I saw their hungry face looked at me
I was laugh happily
It's because their face still looked blur than me =.=
They used their sleepy face to beg for the food
They're cute! Love them
Wanna hug them
But I not dare at all =.=
I'm a coward. LOL :P
I scare animals.
we were feeding the kangaroos.
The kangaroo mama with baby inside her “Pocket”
a white and lazy kangaroo with red eyes
Why are you staring at me?
My mum damn brave. This is the biggest kangaroo ever. He/She not jumping, not walking, but crawling =.= I ran away from gate quickly
The cute koala bear. His fur was damn soft. Like the fake carpet =.=
Is he look like gonna impolite to me? Nola, my face? chiu .. wont la .. face problem .. lols .. he wanted to teach us how to hold on the leave and koala.

This is the one which can JUMP! his name called WALLABY! look alike with kangaroo
the wombat, which is the relative of koala bear

SEE! he's cute, right?
The Maru Map
The koala

forgot his name :( he's not that fierce. But he's yawning :P
is it a real tortoise? NO, exactly a fake tortoise =.=

Mini Golf~pirates
pirate's ship

I set the timing for my dslr :) so that we can capture for whole family
Continue our journey to Phillip Island. Long way to go.
This is the chocolate factory.
I show you the chocolate factory. Welcome :D
Chocolate penguins. It's because  The Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Park, in which Little Penguins come ashore in groups, attracts visitors from all over the world. 
The easter

let you see the whole words :P Finest Handmade Belgian Chocolate

10 more reasons to eat chocolate! Let me list out :D
1. A chocolate in the mouth is worth two on the plate.
2. A little too much chocolate is just about right.
3. What is the meaning of life? All evidence to date suggests it's chocolate.
4. "(blur) chocolate" at the top of your list of thing to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.
5. Nuts just take up space where chocolate ought to be.
6. After a bar of chocolate one can forgive anybody, even one's relatives.
7. There are only three things in life that matter - good friends, good chocolate and, oh dear, what was that other one?
8. Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate.
9. Once you consume chocolate, chocolate will consume you.
10. Chocolate doesn't make the world go around, but it sure does make the trip worthwhile!

Another 10:
1. Chocolate is abundant in antioxidants.
2. Cocoa Powder is virtually fat-free.
3. Men who eat chocolate live longer than those who don't.
4. Chocolate does not cause acne!
5. Chocolate does not promote tooth decay.
6. Chocolate makes you feel good.
7. Chocolate will not clot your arteries.
8. Chocolate is not addictive!
9. Improves blood flow to brain.
10. Helps ease chronic fatigue syndrome.
From: Pannys Chocolate Factory
A chocolate Fondue Fountain $79.95
I wish to get in. But expensive :( $12 for adult
Nice chocolate walls.
inside the toilet.
I'm so outdated. Haha. I captured their automatic open cover dustbin
Almost all of the public toilet in Melbourne used this hand dryer machine. Can dry our hands in less than 1 minute.

Their operation hour is only till 6pm. Enjoying life. Difference with Malaysia busy life.

Our next station was A maze' N thing.
A nice place to go
But sadly, we reached at there, they had closed.
Most of their shops closed at 5-6pm.
I love this spot though.
Just only can capture the views and the special stuff.

Wondering how's inside. I WANT TO GET INSIDE :(

Forced to get off from a maze'n thing.
Head toward to penguin parade.
When we reached at there, we saw a lot of the people were wearing the thick coats.
We just knew that, it should be damn cold.
We needed to get in to ask for the details though.
Wow, pricy~
$40 to watch the penguins and capturing with the fake studio penguin pictures (as I think, cannot remember what's the price)
We cannot capture the penguins ourselves. For the penguins protection
Not worth for no pictures, right? So we cancel the main destination-penguin parade :(
Some more even cannot capture the pictures in parking area/entrance too :(
So strict

Left penguin parade
Saw the cliff at road side.
Parked our car~

38 capturing with my family members. LOL. Keep on posing on the special dark rocks.

 Next spot was Nobbies Centre.
Closed also.
Their operation hour: 
Summer  10am – 8pm 
Autumn   11am - 5pm 
Winter     11am – 4pm Spring     11am - 6pm
The time we went there was Autumn. So they closed at 5pm.
My seals :(

The hole? I don't know what's the name. LOL. I felt so damn cold at there. I think it's below 20 degree celcius. Around 15?
Finally left the place, with my reluctant heart.
Back to our hotel.
It located at Mackenzie St.

Please stay tune. *This tune might wait after my brother's wedding :P
Recently working die.
12hours per day.
Including weekend.
Dull life.
But enjoy with my colleagues too.
Nice to meet them.
They're damn so friendly.
Sorry if I did the mistakes to you all.
Regards ++

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