Friday, January 21, 2011

Princess Room-Pinky+Lace

Recently thinking of decorate my own room, feasible?
I think I can make use of feasibility study to discover that, lol
I will not stay at my condo when i'm doing for my internship, is it possible to let me decorate the room?
Some more, my family sometimes will come to my house to overnight.
It's counted as impossible to decorate.
It's because after the decoration, maybe the room will become narrower?
Somehow guys won't like the pinky+lace decoration :P
Let's see when exactly i just start my decoration? *LOL
I'm kinda lazy. Still considering. Do I really will decorate my room? Or leave it after my graduation?
It's because I might not continue after my study?

These are the pictures I found:

from: 芭比娃娃的房間

from: 六一就要梦幻房间 韩剧里精美绝伦的儿童房

from: 可愛女孩房間佈置

from: 可愛女孩房間佈置特集2010年 VOL.1

from: 梦幻迷人公主房

from: 新古典英倫風情

Other decorations:
The toilet is too nice, until i wont sit on it XD

then the lace curtain is under my consideration too. It's so cute!

Here is the link that included more pictures: 改造房間大作戰首部曲

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