Saturday, April 9, 2011

Make Me a Belieber, Tune Talk!

Date: 21 April 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 8.30 pm
Venue: Stadium Merdeka

Justin Bieber is coming to town :)
Hope to watch this grand concert with my boyfie <3
Don't know why I LOVE BIEBER very much
I'm a true BELIEBER~

1. I 100% pick his song in K-box
2. Every single of his songs, I LOVE! and listened to all his songs. LOVE 'one time' and 'One less lonely girl' the most!
3. "I pray to be your baby forever and will never say never to be your favorite girl. I always stuck in the moment with your smile. U smile, I smile. Kinda sweet ♥ I would never let you go in my life. Promise me one time to love me in your heart..." ©

Sponsored by: Tune Talk (Join their facebook page)
I had joined. What're you waiting for?


Stella said...

mikolao po...den previous wan de..i no use le..kena hacked..tis wan is the new wan o^^...

mikO said...

wah, u pro leh, laopo
blog oso kena hacked? =.=
no wonder no more update lo
ok, i chg the link jor lor
i reply here, bcoz ur blog dun hv any chat box

Stella said...

okie okie...i oso curious..cnt log in d..haha...

mikO said...

=.= when u just curious? ur blog banyak tak ada update mia lor .. lols now just realise?

Stella said...

yaya^^ hehe

mikO said...

u still dunwan to put the chat box ah? ~.~
u blur blur har, laopo