Friday, April 23, 2010


Im officially g r a d u a t e from TARC, Penang Branch lor!!
So happie
Today is the last paper i resit-ed
Damn happie
Coz it's easy!!
I got confidence to pass the paper
Hope the rest will pass oso :D
Yahooooooo.. Horrayyyy .. Yippieeeeeeeeee .. i can throw my books d :P
Nono, of coz will kip for reference XD

Realli hope my wish will come true
Then i can go to KL to continue my advanced diploma
Can stay wif my classmates= frens tgt
Canot control my excitement!!
I yearn for our mix in :D
Cant wait to stay tgt and struggle for our future and enjoy anythg tgt and .. and .. and ..
Although we all have our own temper
but realli hope we can easily solve the conflict
not EASY to get tgt
So mus appreciate wad we have now XD
CHEER for everyone!!

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