Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Friendship is a weird noun!
I reversed back our spending time
It's happie
But y u wan to break it?
Last time, we spent time together to:
Breakfast-Dim sum
Cut hair
Fly High then drove to Butterworth/BM
Fine mood then went to taiping zoo(oso becoz of u)
Gila then went to botanical garden for jogging
Siao then went to Permata to swim
Tam Chia then find any delicious food, dun care whr are us ..
Event ~~

Now? Like stranger
u said i owaz sneer at u
at 1st, after u had bf, u owaz went to another fren's hse
i diff group wif u all oso becoz i dunwan to get into dilemma situation
both oso my best frens
then i chose to group wif another ppl
but til the end suffer de was me .. sad nia

then every lecture class, u kip on chit- chat wif another fren
i did my thg alone
so after tat i rather chose to sit wif other fren

then 2nd time,
i tot u had hurted me a lot after the tamadun tips stuff
treated u as fren, but the end ......
i was cried for the result
and cried for our frenship oso
how can u expected i can smile to u?

after u came, i oso treat u nicely
i nvr acerbic
and u mus understand tat i had few days din slp for the assignment
maybe u felt i showed u my morosely face
but i oso wan kip my smiling, but exam time, i felt stress oso
i duno how to speak to u d
i oso dunwan our frenship jus end like this
Although we not spend a lot of time tgt
but we still fren
one in a thousand we can be fren (after my bday)
and although u have ur deficiency, i have my incompleteness
but we can be fren still mean tat we had our fate.

Friendship never ends! ~~

sun will shine, my fren ~~

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