Wednesday, February 27, 2019

China Visa Application

Start this post is for others' reference and a BIG reminder for myself. As this is the THIRD time I applied China Visa but still, lack of some documents or the document is wrong. 😐 *feeling meh....*

I am a Malaysian and currently working in Singapore, so I have to apply China Visa in Singapore.

Location of the China Visa Application:
Chinese Visa Application

Fee: $110, please pay in cash on the collection day. It will be cheaper if apply in Malaysia, but we have to submit our passport during visa application, so I didn't do that.

Documents to be prepared: 
1. COLORED photocopy of passport
2. Completed visa application form with WHITE background passport photo (Remember to sign at the last 2nd page)
3. Photocopy of Work Permit ID with valid Expiry Date behind (Black & White is ok)
4. Flight detail
5. Hotel booking detail
6. Passport
7. Work Permit ID (EP, SP, WP etc)
8. Work Permit detail (in circumstance that you submit the other's document on behalf, please refer to below steps 🚨) 

Do remember any missing documents/not prepared documents/wrong documents, you have to make the photocopy/printing in the service center for $1/page.
I had these documents done in National Library Singapore, Bugis with $0.30 per piece (I had mine in black and white)
So after submitted the documents, just realised passport photocopy need to be in COLORED! My bad that didn't notice this.

Ok, in detail:

3. Photocopy of Work Permit ID with valid Expiry Date behind (Black & White is ok)
- just realised there's possibly Work Permit ID without expiry date, please check this out.

4. Flight detail
- the itinerary of your flight detail including flight date/time and passenger.

5. Hotel booking detail
- the stays during the whole China trip since the day arrive and before departure.

6. Passport
- valid 6 months before departure

8. 🚨 Work Permit detail
- if someone authorised you to submit on behalf, please remember to download an APP "SGWorkPass", scan the barcode behind the work permit ID then SAVE the document and print it out and submit together.

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