Wednesday, September 22, 2010

this holiday

although my holiday not yet reach the ending part
but i also start to update my blog
coz a lot of ppl blame at me already :(

9th September
i went to johor
actually the destination is Muar
but i bought the wrong ticket
went to johor bahru =.=
what the "toot" ..
made me re-buy the bus ticket and took another bus to Muar
the actual total time spent just 2hours+
but i used total 6hours and half to reach at Muar
Hais ..!
but the camp i joined was nice~

my dad is so so so so sooooo soooooooooo ..
one word to describe “terrible"
this "terrible" is the opposite meaning
coz my dad not just hardworking but also can cook well!
he made the fruit type mooncake!
wow, it's damn delicious and pretty nice
so cute!

this is mooncake oso .. but is fruit type one

realli admire my dad
i never do like him =.=
even im a gal ..
jz baked cake b4 =x

today my mum brought me to camera shop
she asked me whether i really wanted to buy the dslr
then i answered with yes and felt shy too
coz it costs a lot

then the uncle explained to me about the function of dslr
finally bought Canon EOS 550D 18-135mm
wow, felt so excited but with some complicated mood
becoz after i bought it, my dad and brothers sure scold me :(
but i aspired after dslr quite a long period
coz after my cousin bought a dslr and lend me sometime
it's really nice!
the pictures quality is damn good
here is my 1st babe~ my koko :P

although it's not in choco color haha

used my noob iphone took one =x
hope i can slowly begin with my photography skill
and get some improving!
today morning register a brand new passport too
so nx month i can go to singapore to visit my granduncle d :P
and capture for my cousin sista's wedding

today also the mid autumn festival
becoz im still the 1st time to use this dslr
so dunwan to post my ugly pic yet
let's wait i improve my skill 1st hehe
hope u all dun laugh at my skill la lols =x
YES! i can strike my dslr wishlist in the last page d ..!
duno izit nx wishlist is lens? lols =x

p/s: i found out tat US ppl view my blog more than malaysian! how come =.=

*time to slp ZzzzZzzzzzzzZz

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