Saturday, June 12, 2010

my love

10/6 after sch, i went back home by bus
packed sth then i drove to my dear's hse at 6pm
traffic jam had made me crazy
jam for 1hr and half
b4 tat, i called my dear, i just hope my journey can be faster
coz he taught me how to go to his hse is faster than i saw thru gps
gps owaz teach me use diff road =.=
but in the phone, he kip on scolded me
said, y i so late jus go to his hse
"i had class, right??"
"i jam for 1hr and half!!"
"i had tried my best"
y cant u jus console me? but scolded me? i was crazy
dun drove me became more crazy
but finally he jus told me tat 9pm he nid to depart to airport d
"huh??!! Y so early??"
"I tot 2am flight?????!!!!"
*I was totally out of the situation
7.30pm just reached at my dear's hse
tired like hell
he kip on nag me
hais, y like tat?
i dunwan the last day, I still argue/quarrel wif him
let's be the happiest day to let me relax, k?
finally 9pm+
his dad fetched his 2nd sis, mum, me and him
duno izit i went along
so his 3rd sis din folo
sry to her
reached at KLIA was ard 10pm oredi
then found counter M
saw a lot of ppl queue up at there
he found his frens
then checked in
after that walked around
11pm+, he said wan to find burger king
but canot find it
then finally his parents asked, izit ok if we leave now
He said np
Finally we nid to leave the airport
but actuali i still wan to find the chance to take pic tgt, hug hug him
but since his parents was sounded tired
so i chose to leave
BUT he din take initiative to hug me the last oso
he said i jus smile to him
He tot i dunwan
I saw his family members+his aunt oso here
i duno he will shy onot ma
so i waited his response lor
jus can left the airport like tat
tat time i still felt nth
my heart still like veri happie
sms him tat burger king at down stair
to gv him a chance to come down
but finally no
then nvm la
we left the car park, airport, highway ...
left more far, my heart became down and down
the time we depart to airport, beside me was him
i still lie on his shoulder and fell aslp
coz too tired
now, i lie nobody
i kip on looked at my phone
i tried to sms him to let go the sad feeling
slowly i had fell aslp again
then 12am+ we reached at a restaurant
his family brought me to buy some food as supper
for his elder and 3rd sis oso
i bought the ban jian gui
actuali i dunwan to eat
but his dad kip on ask me
then i felt embarrassed to refuse again
so i picked a nut+egg+(forgot wad is the last flavor) flavor
reached at home ard 1am
ate the ban jian gui
it's not bad
i tot tat is the time he got into the gate
so i quickly sms him b4 he off his hp
luckily he still can sms me
1.38am he replied me
i was on9 tat time
his reply had made me relief
then i continued to on9 checked my lowyat thread
took bath, brushed my teeth
ard 3am d
then i started to lay on his dirty bed
the time i lie on there
i started to think alot of stuff
then i found out i was not tat strong as i tot
i cried tat when i found out i was laying on my dear's bed but he's not thr
how sad was i
and i regretted tat i made the decision tat to no hug him in public
*although in my heart, i was desire to hug him the last b4 he went in to the departure gate
i blame on myself wad so important for my self-esteem
wad thg still can more important than my dear?
cant i put down my face and hug him?
slowly, i fell aslp
6am, his mum came in to wake me up
she scared i couldn't wake again
prepared everythg
7am started to back to my college
7.50am reached outside of tarc
rounded one round, found no hv any car park slot
then suddenly stomachache seriously
i canot concentrate on my driving
i slowly drove back to my home
back to home
i felt my eyes were damn tired
maybe cried, became swollen
then i waited 8.40am tarc bus to college
but the bus was late
8.45am jus arrived
reached at sch, found out i nvr noe whr was Block B
i sms to Bryan, he told me tat Fiona was there
asked her to brg me to there
On the way to admin block, i saw her
so lucky
so we got into the class tgt
did the practical tgt
but i felt like no hv the motivation to do anythg
finished the class
i stand there to c my phone again
coz i wish tat he can quickly sms me tat he reached there safely
but i noe impossible yet
he still on flight
i became more and more easy to cry
after tat i folo my new fren-Fiona and Bryan to take our lunch
opposite of my condo only
knew their frens-all guys
Xiong, Long, Jerry, Tim, Zhen Yuan and one more, i forgot -.-
he was the one who remind me to forget all of other frens' name
and jus rmb his name
but finally i forgot his name oso
at there, i felt quite embarrassed
coz i not veri close wif them
finally 2pm class had started
back to sch again
attended the network tutorial class
i found out tat i totally dun understand wad was the tutor teaching
the last=music class
It had made me forgotten the sadness
i felt happy
the class was amazing
tdy was our presentation of musical form/texture(i forgot again)
got 3 parts
monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic
we chose "TONG HUA"
then sang one time for the song
2nd, we 6 ppl separated to half
3 ppl sang the front part
then the other 3 sang the part after the 1st sentence
Quite challenging
But til the middle part, finally our song combined oso
3rd part was 3ppl sang the whole song, another 3ppl sang "DO MI SO MI..DO MI SO MI.."
kip on repeat the "DO MI SO MI.."
i was the one to sing the part oso
sang til 3times had made me kip on laughing
coz i realli canot TAHAN d
but we were in presenting
so i kip on relax myself and continued to sing the chord part
finally finish and i still laugh non-stop
discussed some tutorial
then back home
Bryan fetched me again
PAISE to him
and THKS to him :)
actuali i planned to go to my dear's hse again
but inside my heart
suddenly got a dread inside my heart
i felt lonely if i slp in his bedroom
the feeling of when u c the bedroom but the owner of the bedroom oredi not there
I duno how to describe
the feeling is terrible
i felt tired
coz jus slpt 3hrs
then slpt until 1am @@
woke up to eat some biscuits
took bath
watched one piece
til 6am i jus slpt again
woke up at 12pm
went to mamak stall to hv our lunch
opened fb
saw my dear had left comment on my wall
planned to rush to his hse d
then faster pack my thg and went to his hse
wow, finally i rmb the road to his hse
since my gps canot use =.=
duno y tat gps kip on jumped off the screen
so i went to my dear's hse rely on my memory
but reached here, my dear's sis told me tat he jus went out to buy some food
include cooking oil
i was shocked!!
he noe how to cook???
but the important was, y i reached here, he jus told me tat he wanna went out
so i on9 settled my lowyat thread
while waiting him
wait wait wait ..
y he nvr noe i veri miss him
and i nid his news
although i noe tat guys' attitude were like tat
but i oso canot accept
how can he seem like nth
but i like acting crazy, and like facing the dooms of the day?
finally 8pm++ he left a reply on my wall
i was cried again
coz i was happi
finally he found me
i was waiting him for a long period
but he nvr noe
then we played webcam by msn
but the line here seem like not stable
coz i was using wifi
then he kip on looked at his football
din bother me
slowly he jus became like last time
act cute wif his pair of hands
like a monster
i felt happy tat he finally chg back to the original DEAR
but finally he said he hungry, i canot help him
since i was not in uk
then he said he wan to take a nap
i sounded disappointed
but i dunwan to make him in trouble
so i jus let him
closed our conversation
said good nite to him
although here shld be good nite
but uk just ard 2pm+
Hais ..


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